
Technical Modeling Reel 2018 Breakdown:
1. Tree Tool - Houdini - Procedural tree generator | Uses Leaf Tool - 'Grendel'

2. Forest Tool - Houdini - Places the Tree Tool on objects based on green value; higher values = more densely populated | clears path based on alembic camera move - 'Grendel' - Island model by 'Grendel' modeling team with concept by Kurt Marrott

3. Leaf Tool - Houdini - 1. Green - Density 2. Red - Position Offset 3. Yellow - Randomization 4. Red - Yaw rotation 5. Blue - Pitch rotation | Paint or texture control over placement, offset, rotations, and randomization from those positions - Originally for 'Papa'; updated for 'Grendel' - 'Grendel' House by 'Grendel' modeling team | 'Papa' models by 'Papa' modeling team with concept by Danny Russon

5. Grendel Livingroom Model - Modeled in Zbrush and Maya - 'Grendel' - Concept by Vanessa Palmer Materials Reel 2018 Breakdown:
1. Pseudo-Cel Shader - Houdini / Mantra - Each effect uses 3 controls: Angle from light + fall-off min & max - 1. Displacement based on pre-displaced geometry smoothed angle to light with additional displacement multiplier control 2. Normals redirection : Normals of surface are directed to look toward the light for uniform light interaction within user defined surface/light falloff angle 3. Additional texture layer applied to diffuse with Photoshop's "soft light" blend mode algorithm 4. Additional texture layer applied in more shadowed areas of geometry using Photoshop's "hard light" blend mode algorithm - 'Grendel' - Rock Texture maps by 'Grendel' Materials Team | Lighting reference artwork by Pascal Campion

2. Airplane Still Life - Maya / MEL / Mental Ray - Responsible for all 3D Aspects - All materials and shaders generated by noise | Dowels of airplane created with MEL script: 1. deletes all polygons with name of the geo built from this script 2. for each curve of specified name a plane is created, brought to the end of the curve, aligned to the curve and extruded along the curve with user control over thickness - Balsa Balsa airplane design and misc. photos found online

3. Lime - Houdini/Mantra/Zbrush - base mesh modeled in Zbrush, Created 100% with noises in Mantra Material Builder | Pores on surface of lime connected by grooves | dirt layer fills pores and breaks off in chunks like dried mud - Responsible for All Aspects

(WIP) BYU's Death and Delilah: Delilah's House
Design by Michael McCollough

Gurihiru Father
Gurihiru Father
Painting by Gurihiru

BYU's Beatboxers: Rock Character
Fighting Game Character Model
Painting by Vanessa Palmer

City Builder (WIP)
Procedural Cloud City: Personal Project
Houdini FX
Models city within given volume. Paint a height map on a plane or uses provided volume.
Intricate pipe structure merges at intersections. Ramp control over building shapes.
Preview check boxes for quicker view port times.


Leaf Placement Tool for BYU Animation's "Papa"
Responsible for point-instancing leaf placement tool
Houdini FX
Problem: Director wanted to shape-direct the trees.
Solution: I created a tool that allows the modeler to paint on a properly shaped geometry. The geometry controls where leaves appear and the modeler can paint density, rotation, roughness of surface, and scale of leaves, randomness of these parameters, adherence to the shape of the geometry, length of the surface branches, all in real-time. L-systems provide the base branch shapes. Point instancing used to decrease render-times.

Grendel Interior (WIP): For BYU's "Grendel" (360 viewer, click and drag)
Zbrush | Maya

Forest Tool for BYU Animation's "Grendel"
Responsible for tree and population tool
Problem: Director wanted to shape-direct the trees and forest to match concept.
Solution: Models trees based on procedurally generated S-shaped backbones. Trees follow surface normals and bend towards sky. Populates trees based on painted density. Uses "Papa" leaf tool.